Fantasy Football 2009 DRAFT Recap

In 1993 I gave my friend Brian my fake I.D.  This year?  He gave me his extra CBS Draft Kit.

We’re even, B.Y.!!!!

This is the greatest invention for fantasy ever.  I, of course, realize the rest of the world has been hip to these types of accessories to make drafts cooler and more organized for some time.  But due to the “intricacy” of the SJPFFL Fantasy Football leagues scoring system, and the reluctance of my league brethren to change, we are relegated to a vile place in the FantasyFootballScape called TQ Stats.  Or TQ SUX as we have since dubbed it.  While CBS Sportsline sends this wonderful draft packet to its customers, TQ sends instead, confusion, frustration, angst and contempt, EVERY year.

So to recap, it was simply, the fastest draft in the history of SJPFFL.  Great time had by all.  Zane and Brian came a great distance to draft in person, the picks moved very lively, many of us went out for wings afterward, and the Butler experiment in phone drafting went off without a hitch.  (No phone trouble, no lag in picks.)  The “LIVE DRAFT” results on the web?  Only got as far round one.  Hearing a pick, crossing off a pick, entering it on the web, and on the draft board?  Was simply too much.  SO, next year…interns.

Thanks Guys


Round 1

1. Zane:  Adrian Peterson
2. Butler: Matt Forte (Fuck you BTW)
3. Vitale: Michael Turner
4. Romeo: mjd
5. Beach deangelo williams
6. Wolf Tomlinson
7. Wood: S Jackson
8. Aug: Fitzgerald
9. Finnegan Chris Johnson
10. Warfel: Slaton


3 thoughts on “Fantasy Football 2009 DRAFT Recap

  1. 1:58 to draft 160 players. Gotta be a fantasy football record. Although, since only Team 5 was making quality selections, maybe it should’ve went faster?

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