2011 Philadelphia Auto Show

I had a Joe Dirt moment at the Philadelphia Auto Show. (Clip for those that don’t know the movie!)  I am not really a car person.  Never have been.  I have had a few nicer cars in my day, but for the most part, my favorite kind of car is PAID OFF.  The Car Show does not have a lot of those cars… it had a lot of cars I’d need a few lives to pay off.  (See Maserati $500,000 photo!)   But anyway, there I was, just strolling the show floor before the crowd got there, and I saw a black and blue Dodge Challenger and some Joe Dirt domestic muscle car gene in me went off and Sam Elliot began to narrate car virtues in my imagination… What a cool car?!  I still have no idea what a HEMI is but I am at least a little curious.  Ha!  I never even owned an American car, btw, minus my Jeep Wrangler.  I am hanging out with KID ROCK soon… ha ha.

I also really enjoyed the presentation factor of the show.  The area the cars took up was immaculate and the car companies send the varsity.  Every single salesperson there is super sharp, super hot, super smart (at least in terms of the product), and a super friendly men or woman at the top of their game.  The cars looked great, the people looked great and you get to see and sample a lot of cars in one place.

Here is the gallery I shot for myphl17.com.  I used my wide-angle the entire day. (10mm-22mm)  It was perfect for the circumstances even though it’s not my favorite lens and I have much faster lenses and better glass than this one. I figured, cars don’t move at the shows, so I could go without a fast lens…


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