“Come Together” at Noise Pollution Records in South Philadelphia

If you’ve been with my blog since the beginning, you know my niece and nephew are one of my favorite things to make media about, especially their plays, musicals and stage.  Once upon a time my nephew Nick was a random Dalmatian next thing I knew he was really finding his voice… also discovering classic rock, especially the Beatles.  Same with his friends Caleb, Jake and Bobby.  All four are super talented musicians.

The playlist above is from a really special event that he and his friends put together.  Jake’s uncle was Jack Fritz owner of Noise Pollution Records.  They had a very similar relationship as me and Nick do, think “cool uncle,” and unfortunately Jack passed away in May. He was only 57 and fought cancer as long as he could.  To honor his memory and the 30th anniversary of Noise Pollution, the boys decided to do an impromptu street concert.  They put the whole thing together in a few days, didn’t really rehearse all that long.  For my nephew Nick? It was the first time he ever played bass.

Although you’d never know it from watching.  The boys were amazing and it was a beautiful day in South Philly.  Nick is a Senior in HS, Bobby and Caleb are students at Mason Gross and Jake is a student at Temple.  Obviously music and performing are a big part of what they are all into and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Some Photos from the day…

2 thoughts on ““Come Together” at Noise Pollution Records in South Philadelphia

  1. What a great tribute Jake put together for his uncle. They sounded awesome! Thanks for the videos and pics!

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