Bringing the Jersey Devil to Weekend Philler

Ever since I started producing videos for the Weekend Philler format, I always thought it would be fun to educate my friends outside my South Jersey home about our local legend, the Jersey Devil! No easy feat since, despite having my people reach out to HIS people… the Jersey Devil did not return our calls for comment! haha

The first thing I needed was a speaker. Local author Tony DiGeralamo was literally the perfect person for the job. He has a series of books called “The Pineys” and loves this legend more than me even. His narrative is what you hear in the spot and was, again, perfect. In the Weekend Philler format however, that’s only half the battle. Our show wins awards every year and that’s often based on the care and feeding we put into our visuals.

Great Photography and B-Roll are literally what we built this show on. Since none of the Jersey Devil exist, I had to get REALLY creative and I did. This spot is easily the most post-production I put into a Weekend Philler, EVER. (More hours than I can count, and more than a few on my own time. That’s the other secret to our success, overtime.)

Using a mixture of the sounds and visuals available to us at PHL17, I rolled up the sleeves and brought them into Photoshop and Premiere and hours and hours later, I am really proud of what you see. Also super happy that people will explore this legend and our NJ Pine Barrens.