Family BBQ

For those that could not make it, I took a few pictures! Good time was had by all.  The kids are all getting big.   It was great to see Aunt Annie back in NJ!  And I have to say these are without a doubt, my favorite pictures of her I ever took!  Retirement and Southern climates are treating her well it seems! Gram’s nose is healing nicely, the yard never looked better, the food was great, and Carmine the Turkey was not on the menu! (But he’s still here!)

My favorite part of the entire day however, was riding home!  I rode my bike there, so Tracie and Al and the kids drove me home.   On the way they were totally rocking out to a thing called, KIDZ BOP.  Remakes, by kids, of songs of my era.  After just the right amount of Coors Lites, this was the most hilarious thing I ever heard– Nick, Jess, word for word, rock out to the tunes of my youth!  They’re the KIDS IN AMERICA indeed!.

PS.  Remember, to Nick, Jess, and Sean…these ARE the Good Ole Days!

Sorry in advance these might load slow.  WordPress and Godaddy are a bad combo.


5 thoughts on “Family BBQ

  1. Pics are beautiful… I glad I went… better bring that cam to Newfield Day… i will keep you posted on the day, but it usually is the weekend after Labor Day.

  2. Hey Jack! I have lots more, but I purposely did not include any of you and your wounds! I am a much better deleter then I am picture taker!

  3. Hey Tony I got an “in” with the Kidz Bop people…..Missy works for Razor and Tie…the people that produce it in NYC. If you liked that wait till the next BBQ I’ll bring over their Monster Ballads.

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