Cruel Summer: Break a Leg Edition

So if you know my niece, you know there was no way that she was going to let a trampoline accident, broken ankle and walking boot slow her down at Summer Stage 2014.  For those of you that are not pre-teen girls, that’s this summer dance/sing/act program that’s pretty well known in the area I grew up in.  Here’s some photos in action.

My niece did awesome. Even with the boot. Her part even had her walking stairs and she did great.Gigantic improvement from last year.  Incidentally, she was not the only kid in a cast. The video is below. ( Part 1). Part 2 is coming soon.  Password is her first name.

Summer Stage 2014 Part 1 from tony romeo on Vimeo.

Summer Stage Part 2 from tony romeo on Vimeo.