Back Behind the Camera

Stills have long been a part of my workflow at PHL17, but video is emerging as another big part of my repertoire.  Especially as people become more and more enamored with the idea of shooting video on an SLR.  As much as I love the SLR, I don’t usually agree with it in place of the really great cameras that a TV station has at its disposal.  But in some situations that you can totally control a lot of the variables, I really like the results.

This was one of those occasions. I shot this video under the direction of the always brilliant Chris Schaefer.  Chris always knows the effects he is going for and he knows how to explain them.  We got a cool rustic feel for Carlos Ruiz’s return to the Phillies and we got it using the old lockers at WPHL. ( A few lockers down from the one we used there was a locker label so faded you could barely see that said “Szcykalski” — that brought back great memories of old school PHL17 folk.)

Shout out to WPHL-TV’s Ryan Wismer who made his hand debut in this one.  Good Job, Ry.  (His hands post the sticker, the second set, chubbier fingers.. are mine.  The third set that button the jersey are Ephraim Sosa).
