Wee Willy Webber… Dr Shock… Kelly Ripa… TONY ROMEO… sorta!
With my OFFICIAL on-air debut this A.M. I join the pantheon of great myphl entertainers! On wphl 17’s new morning show, Better Philly, my lean and mean torso was featured for almost an entire second in b-roll filler! My head was not featured, but I swear it’s me in the brown shirt opening a refrigerator at Ikea. Look Out! Below is the vid and a screen cap…. I have watched this on a real TV with my nephew several times and he finds it hilarious in a way I don’t quite understand. He’s 4….
Looking for this file! It’s been lost to the archives.
Congrats Mr. Romeo! But you better look quick or you will miss it! I bet that was fun!
I am soooo impressed! I think we even saw a bit of butt action there!
:-O Hope all is going well! We miss ya!
I smell day time emmy!
You know I thought that shirt looked familiar… Nice pectorals studd! Congrats;-)
Move over Kelly, there is another Berliner coming. I’m a “BETTER” fan already.
I think you need a body double
Dude, you need to go food shopping worse than me.
Nick wanted to know, “Where is your head???” He laughed hysterically. Are you the IKEA body double?? Better get an agent. Way to go!!
Wow! Check you out! You have only been with wphl for about a month and you have air time already? I’ve always said you were talented. So does this mean you have 14 min and 59 sec of fame left?
P.S. Your profile looks great!
But seriously, you didn’t even take off your ID? And you wear it on a lanyard? What a nerd! (or am I a nerd because I know that necklace-thing is called a lanyard?)