Tony Romeo Phillies Commercial!

For those of you that missed the limited run of this Phillies Promo on TV, here it is! It was filmed at my house and was such a cool experience!  We had a great time making it, but I honestly did not know it aired, or was even going to air.  I got a text from my friend Joe who saw it.  Then I got another text and another and another!  The out pouring of really, really nice comments and feedback was really cool.  When I got the schedule and was able to let people know when it was on, even more people watched and said really nice things.  It was nice that people enjoyed this cool moment with me.  Watching it with the Beach’s at our favorite watering hole was certainly a highlight as well.

Another highlight was my nephew watching it 20 times.  (In his 5 year old world that kind of repetition is reserved for the iCarly and Jonas Brothers of the world–high praise indeed!)  After he watched, he was like– HEY, Uncle Tony doesn’t have a wife…  WAIT– OR A DOG?!  Then my sister told him– “That’s acting!”  And he was like.  OHHHHHH!!!   I am sure now that he understands acting at this up close and personal level, it won’t have any repercussions in my sister’s parenting life!

The spot was filmed in my living room. The pottery in the background is my cousin Jackie Greenwell Sandro’s!  It’s me, (Tony Romeo) and Kamal Mason on the couch.  The voice off camera is played by Jackie Green, although on the day of the shoot?  It was actually Chris Schaefer feeding me those questions which was hilarious.  Bang up job as usual by Tim Obeck and Travis Brower who produced, directed and filmed the spot.  By far the hardest part of the day was acting married! HA!

(This is not the video, but it’s the same day.  Going to try and find the Kamal Spot that was eaten by some old web video service.)

3 thoughts on “Tony Romeo Phillies Commercial!

  1. By the way, is your appearance compensated? Or were you just told what to do as part of your regular salary? Did you pay your Union dues to SAG?

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