Christmas 2010

I had a very quiet and uneventful Christmas this year, but, given the circumstances I will take it.   Spent part of the day with my Gram at the hospital.  She is doing much better and hopefully we’ll redo Christmas at her house when they let her out, but she’s been in rehab a good while.  She’s doing well enough that my cousin brought in two of her doggie friends to say hello.  It was fun.


I also spent some time at my sister’s.  I got my niece and nephew iPods this year.  They get so much stuff they can be hard to buy for, but even in a sea of new toys, they liked their new iPods, so I was happy!  My niece is enjoying Hannah Montana in her iPod in the photo.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all that find their way to this post… 2010 was a challenging year but filled with great times.  I am looking forward to 2011 and hope to see more of my family and friends than I did in 2010.  Hopefully some of my southern relatives in March.