So as the boys of summer gird up their loins for a winter temperatured magical game 7 of the 2011 World Series, I guess this is my last chance to reflect on my own 2011 Post Season experience. Even though, emotionally, to quote one of my favorite bosses of all time;
“I’m not there, yet…”
Not there because the Phillies 2011 playoff run was such a disappointment. And I don’t mean that in the personal sense, I mean professionally. It is such a buzzkill to have the greatest access to the greatest stage of MLB… only to have it end way too soon for the team you are there to cover. When that team is the team you grew up rooting for? It’s an even bigger buzzkill…
Still, the all to brief time I was involved in the post season for WPHL is still something I am sure I will someday cherish. This is not the first time I’ve seen the Phillies not make the WS or NLCS in my day and and I prefer this to some others I have seen. Give me an NLDS exit after 102 wins as opposed to a 70 win season and not even a hope of playoffs, any day.
Here are some of my favorite moments from 2011 and links to all the media I shot.
This is photo of Roy Oswalt and the squirrel is one of those one in a million shots that couldn’t have turned out any better if I planned it. At batting practice before Game 5 of the NLDS in Philadelphia a squirrel ran across the field. (Back Story: a squirrel got a ton of air time in the St Louis games–ran across the field during an at bat, and in some opinions, changed the momentum of a game that Roy Oswalt was pitching in.) Shots like this happen super fast you just hope you get it. I got it.
After game 1, this was one of my favorite photos I ever took of Ryan Howard. (And I have taken quite a few!) It was as he took the field Game 1 for batting practice. He exuded confidence, like he owned that building and in a few short hours… he did. (Homerun, 4 rbi.). Click here to see an image I did not publish from game 5, that told a complete different confidence story.
The tale of two cities after any defeat was apparent with Tony LaRussa and Charlie Manuel. I really like Charlie, but my heart really when out to him after game 5. But he took the podium and answered all the tough questions.
Contrasted with Larussa who was all smiles after the win, even though he is not an overly smiley guy.
Lastly the Phillies took a lot of heat for their tweets after the untimely dismissal from the post season. Fans were irate that they tweeted about golfing or rest or vacay. As an interactive producer for a station that carries the Phillies, we follow what and how they tweet closely. What I think people missed is to a man, the FIRST thing they each tweeted, was very much appropriate and what the fans were feeling too. I made a web gallery of it using images I shot during the NLDS and the players tweets.
The Jimmy Rollins one is of course poignant as who knows what the future holds for Rollins and the Phillies. It’s my hope he comes back. But even if he does, who knows? Playoffs are not a given. Nothing in life is. As disappointed as I am, and we all are over the early exit, over time, hopefully we can all look back and enjoy the journey that so few get to make. I know I will…
Here is everything I shot at the 2011 NLDS | |
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NLDS Game 5 Batting Practice |
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Phillies Tweets in Photos |
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NLDS Game 2 Warm Ups |
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NLDS Game 1 Pre and Post Game |
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Phillies Post Season 2011 about to Begin! |