A Year of Philly Comic Con Firsts!

I covered my fifth Comic Con for PHL17 this year, so I decided to do it a little different. Since my entire department is a mixture of comic nerds, video nerds, graphic nerds, middle aged guys who don’t get to look at girls in scantily clad costumes nerds, sci-fi nerds and general fans of pop culture– I get a lot of “help” covering Comic Con.  That help frees me up a little and allows me to look at the event fresh.  So this year I wrote a piece I have always wanted to, but never quite have the time. This year, instead of just shooting, I wrote 17 Reasons to Love Philly Comic Con and supported it with photos and video (please use link to check it out!).  The good news is?  It was really successful!  The bad news, I wish my station were a 9, 11, even a 13 as it was hard coming up with that many! Still, I will reuse that title for future pieces.

Since I took part of the work part of Comic Con on Friday, I was able to go back on Sunday and just take it in as a fan.  I took my nephew, brother-in-law and girlfriend, (all first timers) and we took the train to the Convention Center for them to experience all the geek-tastic sights at Wizard World/ Comic Con.  Below are my favorite pictures from both days.

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I have never really taken in the celeb part of Comic Con.  But since my nephew loves Fonzi, my GF loves Barry Zuckercorn and me and my brother in law love Coach Klein of the South Central Louisiana State University Mud Dogs we decided to wait in line for Henry Winkler. Pretty much the best decision of the day as “The Fonz” did not disappoint.  He did magic tricks for the kids, talked to people in line, was reasonable with his pricing and had special inspirational words for each kid he met. (“Nick is Powerful” is how he signed my nephew’s picture).  Henry was, THE BEST.  Lou Ferrigno not so much, but I got Photoshop revenge later.  The only word’s Lou had, inspirational or otherwise were, “Forty Dollars!”


Still, Comic Con Philly was a huge success.  I am happy to show all three a little part of the world not everyone knows exists.  They all had a blast.