While on a routine ghost tour of Philadelphia, I shot Ghost Orbs?! Or maybe I did. Here’s the ghost story I wrote for PHL17 and here’s what REALLY went down. ha ha.
So i was really on a tour in Philadelphia and as the tour went to Washington Square Park. Historically, if there are ghosts anywhere, that would be a really logical place. It was essentially a Colonial dumping ground of human remains and many of those remains, ummm, remain?! Seriously, you could look it up, they find bones around there every few years. So, on that part of the tour, the guide mentioned that “orbs” are frequently caught in the park, especially when you shoot, “over there” (at this point she pointed.)
So? I took my DSLR almost as a joke as she looked right at me when she said it, and took a bout 9 or ten frames in burst mode over the course of a second. The movie above captures orbs in a few frames, and then they are gone.
I am a “Ghostbuster” fan from way back, and like Venkhman and Spengler, I am “ready to beleive!” But I am sure there is a logical explanation. Still, it was pretty cool. Thinking about it, I realize that the entire park is a circle of light, and maybe the tour guides know to stand right, and point toward light left to get those orbs happening? That said, I am a photographer and I see a lot of light reflection and these orbs don’t have the lens flare look I see a lot. Who knows!?!
PS. Extra credit for those that knew this posts title is an Everclear reference.